Some things aren't true until you say them...

06.13.2008 - 1:34 p.m.

Boss: I was thinking that since we're cutting out the English course you used to teach, you should probably offer to teach one of the first year seminars next year.

Me: Eh... I can teach writing, but I get all nervous trying to talk about texts or get a critical discussion going. Like, I've been tutoring for ten years. I can give any PhD a run for their money in a tutorial. But discussing a reading with a class, teaching a course with actual content... I just wouldn't have the confidence that I knew the subject well enough.

Boss: Well, you just have to pick something you're really passionate about, something you feel comfortable with.

Me: Like what, knitting? There isn't really anything, other than writing, that I'm an academic expert on.

Boss: Hmm... well, what about gaming? There're lots of things to say about gaming, right?

... And then we talked about false-currency economies in MMOS and sexual dimorphism in avatars and social dynamics in raids for over an hour.

So I might offer to teach a seminar next year.


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