Some things aren't true until you say them...

07.24.2001 - 3:43 p.m.

There is nothing that raises my hackles more than when someone does something for my own good. Like that time my ex went behind my back and told this other guy I wasn't allowed in this guy's room. Because he'd be a bad influence.

It was for my own good.

So I decided I ought to visit this guy a lot.

My point is, I don't have a way to tell what other people are thinking or what they really need. I've given up trying to figure it out anyway, because it's too hard, because it gets me into trouble, and because I'm fairly sure that at some point they'll notice that I trust them to tell me what's going on. But if anyone else has invented a way to divine what's best for another, let me know, so I can start building the walls I'll need to protect them from themselves.

And if this rant was undeserved, I apologize. I'll work on my telepathy. :)


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