Some things aren't true until you say them...

02.12.2002 - 12:21 p.m.

Today is factoid day.

Number of parking spaces available this morning in my usual lot: -5

Reasonably close lots where I could have parked if I�d ever gotten around to buying a �staff� sticker: 3

Minutes it took to walk from the overflow lot: 15

Minutes I was late to my desk: 20

Number of reasons why I should get a new job: 26

Number of share drive folders I need to clean out: 26

(not a coincidence�)

Today�s lunch brought to you by: General Mills, makers of Golden Graham cereal.

Number of items on my to-do list: 20

Number of items on my other to-do list: 14

Number of items on my extra to-do list: 8

Number of items, on all to-do lists, that need to be done by Friday: 16

Percentage of said items it is humanly possible to do by Friday: 50. Maybe.

Minutes spent writing this today: 30. But some of the time I was multitasking.

Song stuck in my head: Posession, by Sarah McLachlan, whose last name I'm not sure how to spell.

Yesterday was factoid day too:

Today�s lunch brought to you by: Proctor & Gamble, makers of Sour Cream and Onion Pringles.

Number of emails sent today (as of noon): 8

Percentage of emails related to actual work: 25-50%, depending if you count the personal emails in which I complained about work.

Hours I will work today: 9.5

Hours I�m allowed to claim for today: 8

Song stuck in my head: Maggie May, by Rod Stewart

Time originally scheduled for meeting with boss: 10 am

Time as I write this: 5 pm

Have I seen boss yet? No.

Number of people I�ve tutored today: You know how in prehistoric times, they used to go �one, two, three, many�� or, �as many as there are leaves on a tree��

(Numbers entertain me.)


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