Some things aren't true until you say them...

07.10.2002 - 4:24 p.m.

These are some of the really cool things about today:

Waking up, driving, then going back to bed for two hours feels fantastic.

My oldest brother emailed me. He's in Connecticut- I don't hear from him very often, and when I do hear from him, we don't often have much to say to each other. This time we did.

I actually found my boss today, so I actually know what I'm doing for the forseeable future.

When I crossed the way to buy myself a little snacky something, the sky was all grey and rumbly-looking. The air was heavy. I love that kind of weather.

The neon-orange powder stuck to your fingers at the end of a bag of Cheetos is really good.

I turned in a bunch of paperwork, so I get to not think about it ever again.

I get to go home soon and see my roommate, who's been gone since Sunday night.

I think I found the end of my mope.


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