Some things aren't true until you say them...

09.03.2002 - 9:26 a.m.

I usually notice I am running low on gas on the way home from work. It is usually either just before or just after the gas station, and I always think, "eh, I'll fill up on the way to work tomorrow. I just want to go home."

So I do--I go home. The problem is in the morning, where I roll over to look at the alarm and think, "What was I thinking, setting it early? No way I'm getting up yet."

At which point I hit the snooze again.

This morning, I thought I remembered why I'd set the alarm early. So I could drop off the rent checks. Right. But that only takes a few seconds, so I snoozed anyway, making myself late when I realized, oh, gas too. Someday I'll do it the smart way, and just do it on the way home. Someday.

Also auto-related, I would like to extend a profound thank-you to anyone who's ever flashed your lights to warn people of a speed trap. You made my day much better than it could have been, so cheers to you.

However, jeers to all of you who have ever paralell-parked next to an island in a parking lot without checking if you were parking behind a car with a spectacularly large turning radius. I had to back and fill four times before I could go home yesterday. You are lucky I didn't give in to the frustration and just plow through your bumper. My car is older; it would have won.

Right. No profound thoughts today.


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