Some things aren't true until you say them...

09.20.2002 - 2:05 p.m.

Spent all day so far in the computer lab, typing with numb fingers, shivering periodically and wondering if it was possible to catch hypothermia indoors.

If it is possible, it must take slightly longer than four hours, although I still can't feel much in my hands.

And my feet are cold, but then again they are just about always cold.

Heehee. I have cold feet.

I would tell you why that's funny, but I think I forgot what I was going to say.

Instead, I'll tell you about this tutors meeting I have in about ten minutes. It's a really important meeting. I have to leave in an hour. I have places to go, people to see. So it's very important that the meeting end on time, which means that it's very important that it BEGIN on time. The tutors will all show up between now and 2:30, or I will personally strangle each of them.

just so you know what to check the papers for.


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