Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.25.2002 - 12:46 p.m.

I've been tapping my fingers a lot, waiting for something. Laying in bed like I've just mainlined caffeine. Full of antici

...pation. The frustrating thing is that there isn't anything in particular that I am looking forward to. Well, there is my road trip, but that's not until the summer and all sorts of things could happen between now and then to screw it up. The feeling is almost like newly-dating excitement, or a really-great-story-idea buzz, except there's no guy and no story.

So I have no idea where this is coming from, and meanwhile, my entire being feels like a leg jiggling under the table.

It's not a bad feeling. It's kind of exciting, kind of inspiring to feel all that energy inside, looking for an excuse to get out. I just wish I had somewhere to send it; life here is a little too settled to get all bouncy about.

And jiggling legs annoy me.


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