Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.20.2002 - 9:50 a.m.

Operation Encourage Timely Wakefulness (ETW) was instituted late last night. (I moved my alarm clock to the far corner of the room, next to the fishtank.)

The theory was that it would be harder to snooze the alarm six times in a row if I had to get up, trip on mess, and hit alarm. Because then I would be standing, and I would have to be more fully awake, and because there would be a mess between me and my return to la-la land. The theory was that at that point, my brain would kick in and remember the things (buying gas and a visit to the business office, in this case) which had been previously scheduled for the hour before work.

The reality was that I woke up, hit nightstand where alarm used to be, threw back covers (over cat) lumbered over to alarm, hit alarm. Shivered convulsively. Hopped back into bed. Purred with cat, fell back to sleep.

This happened twice, for an average of thirty minutes each time. I did not get to the business office despite their extremely polite email requesting my travel expense report yesterday, and my tank still says �E.� Although I did get to work on time. (9:06 is on time, I swear. The clock here is just a bit fast.)

Maybe it would help tomorrow if I instituted a rule that I am Not Allowed to let it snooze for more than three minutes at a time. This way, even if I succumb to the temptation of returning to bed, the quick turnaround would eventually convince me it wasn�t worth it. My six snoozes could last under twenty minutes, much better than the current hour-long process. The only problem here is remembering the Three Minute Rule at a time when I have proven myself thoroughly incapable of logical thought.

Maybe I just need to think of a better acronym. I mean, ETW? That�s not even a word. Everybody knows good acronyms make words.


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