Some things aren't true until you say them...

12.11.2002 - 3:40 p.m.

Inbox 28 (0 new)

I spent the first hour or so copying handouts for the boss' class. I'd put off the copying the whole week he wasn't here.

Inbox 28 (0 new)

Then, I helped a student rebuild the website she'd screwed up.

Inbox 28 (0 new)

I sent off a couple of notes, but I seem to recall that people were planning to take today off. That's all right, as I had to come up with an appointment schedule and sign up sheet for the next week, keeping in mind all the meetings and help sessions I'd already agreed to and scheduled for. So that was another thirty minutes.

Inbox 28 (0 new)

Then I cleaned out my inbox.

Inbox 8 (0 new)

And there was the Writing Center's schedule too, which I had to coordinate, schedule and promote for the special finals' week hours. You try convincing eight undergraduate tutors that they have an hour and a half to spare in between their own finals and papers.

Inbox 8 (0 new)

Inbox 8 (0 new)

Then, of course, there was the stupid scanner. It won't play nice with my iBook; something funky is happening with the driver. I thought Apple meant you could just plug it in. Really I should go over to the lab and do the scanning, but it is cold and icky out, and if I were trudging around campus it would take time away from checking

Inbox 8 (0 new)

and the funny thing is that I've had lots of email today, it's just that I keep wanting more.


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