Some things aren't true until you say them...

12.19.2002 - 11:20 a.m.

I cannot possibly be hungry.

I know this because I remember eating breakfast. It may not have been a very exciting breakfast�a yogurt and a swig of orange juice�but it was most definitely a breakfast. It is more than I have eaten on other mornings, as I am more of a grab-and-go person than an actual sit-down-and-eater.

So I cannot possibly be hungry, and my stomach should shut up and let me work.

I was pretty sluggish this morning. I kept sitting down on my bed in between pulling on clothing items. My socks in particular just didn't want to get onto my feet this morning, as both the socks and my feet felt about twice as heavy as they should have been.

It made me wonder what it would be like to spend five years waking up for work six days of every week, and to have to get dressed not in work clothes, but in an orc suit. I wouldn't mind being an elf, or possibly even a hobbit, but I bet the orc extras had a pretty hard time of it. (Saw Two Towers. Jackson's Gollum rocks.)

That's about it for today. I'm leaving as soon as I finish the December stats, and that will (obviously) be earlier the sooner I start them.


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