Some things aren't true until you say them...

01.06.2003 - 10:27 a.m.

Once in a while I am spectacularly late for some engagement or another. I don't worry too much about it--there is just some point where I notice it will be impossible to come out on top, that's all. I'll speed myself up, try to be really efficient, but I won't get all hectic or snippy or anything. By that point, when I'm already late, there's nothing I can do but get there when I can, and hysterics will only make me forget something or get me into a car accident. Things will work out or they won't, and it really is out of my hands, so I don't waste another thought on anything beyond the practicalities of getting there.

It really seems like I could apply that relaxed approach to any number of other things that are equally beyond my control.

Yup. That's exactly what I should be able to do.


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