Some things aren't true until you say them...

02.25.2003 - 9:38 a.m.


Well actually, it's not. Because 'g'night' didn't happen until sometime during Insomniac Music Theater, after Empire Records, after two Law and Orders, after Boston Public. After I watched Jurassic Park again.

I used to do this in college, stay up so late that I actively wonder why I'd bother going to bed at all. I used to manage my allnighters, never more than one for every thirteen hours of normal sleep. Well, unless something was due.

I wasn't up last night for any real reason. I started with the TV because I was behind on my knitting. (Decided to make an afghan for my old roommate's wedding, I tell you that? I have to finish three and a half square feet every week. It's less boring if my brain has something to do while my hands knit.)

So that's why I started. After that it was mostly inertia. TV sucks my will to live. I am so dumb sometimes.

On the plus side, Insomniac Music Theater is the one time of day you have a chance of catching a decent video on VH1. Go me.


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