Some things aren't true until you say them...

03.06.2003 - 10:19 a.m.

Today is day five of �No really, we�re going to fix your clothes dryer today.�

In the grand scheme of things, five days is not so bad. In fact, just about every time I start thinking that Laundry Time is approaching, I manage to stave it off for at least a week through creative reuse of outerwear and a cache of underwear that rivals Imelda Marcos� shoe collection. However, in this case, I had been sorting dirty socks when my roommate came in to tell me that the dryer was choosing to emit an odor of �burnt important stuff� instead of humming warmly and swirling her clothes around like usual.

I was sorting dirty socks. So you know I had already exhausted every method of laundry extension known to me and admitted that Laundry Time was here. And let me tell you, after four years of college, where the laundry facilities worked out to a dollar a load and were sometimes in completely separate buildings, I know an awful lot about laundry extension.

Thank God for clogs, those lovely shoelike things that do not require socks. Thank God for bandaids, and their ability to cover blisters caused by clogs worn without socks.

They better fix my dryer today.

Too, I had one of those dreams last night, the story dreams. They always start just before the alarm, and I keep hitting snooze because I want to know how it ends. Something about love, and monsoons, and following paths through the jungle while the vegetation covered them over. There was a house we were trying to protect from the floodwaters, and I lost you, but then I was late for work and it was okay that you were gone, because you don�t, in all technicality, actually exist.

I can never sleep quite long enough to kiss you.


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