Some things aren't true until you say them...

04.09.2003 - 12:49 p.m.

Well lookit me all full of writerly entries lately. No such luck today. See, in order to write up a conversation or event from the day before, I need to have had conversations or events in that twenty-four hour period.

Yesterday after work I played hermit. I should have run by the bank and done my taxes and stuff, but it was just�easier not to. Easier to sit in front of the TV while the cat helped me knit. Finished square foot #38, on to #39. Up until 1 am. Theoretically productive as far as wedding presents go, but really a colossal misuse of my time.


I�ve only tutored six people so far today. Seems like it�s been at least ten. I�m past talking like a human, past talking like a kindergarten teacher, and just about at the point where I�ve started sounding like a telemarketer. I don�t care if they understand, just as long as they�re present while I recite the schpiel.

Must find time to microwave lunch.


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