Some things aren't true until you say them...

04.14.2003 - 1:52 p.m.

The greatest thing about having no internet at home is the number of diary entries you get to read when you come back to work on Monday. Kept my spare moments occupied all morning, instead of reducing me to checking the same pages over and over again. So frustrating, that is.

One could argue that I should maybe do some actual work, but I would remind that individual that I work for the state of Maryland, earn four peanuts an hour, and pay my health insurance out of my own pocket. They are lucky to get what effort I choose to give.

Begin new subject. As the solitary unexamined act in my entire life, driving is important to me and thusly, so is my car. I do love my current car; I just can�t afford to keep it. The upkeep issue is putting irreconcilable strain on our relationship. And I�ve been thinking my tax refund would get me started on a down payment, so I spent the weekend ogling the other cars on the highway. I need to find an inexpensive, efficient car. If possible, I�d like it to be a little different. I hate losing cars in parking lots. So inexpensive, efficient, and pretty. Fine. But unerringly, every time I notice a well-shaped body or neat headlight configuration, it turns out to be a BMW or a Mercedes or something. A Mustang. It�s the same eyes versus stomach thing from when I was a kid�desire does not care what makes sense.

And that�s true of more than just cars and that extra scoop of ice cream.


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