Some things aren't true until you say them...

04.18.2003 - 11:15 a.m.

I parked in a different lot this morning because I was going to spend the day in the arts building anyway. This means that I needed to walk past the dorms. At 9:15, just as I was walking down the road between the lot and the dorms, I became aware that the baseline for the Knight Rider soundtrack was approaching rapidly from behind. And by rapidly, I mean �very rapidly.�

I scurried out of the way just in time to avoid a silver Celica, the transportation mechanism for what was obviously a very large sound system. As it passed me, I noticed that not only were my internal organs vibrating, but so was the poor car. There were at least six different buzzes and rattles per Knight Rider beat, mostly coming from the rear half of the car, where the extra speakers must have been.

Now, blasting a car stereo at 9:15 AM on a college campus says to me that someone is looking for attention. Celicas, particularly the new ones, look pretty snazzy, and the Knight Rider soundtrack, while somewhat repetitive, is indisputably cool, so I can only assume that this person is looking for appreciative or envious attention. However, I wonder if this person realizes that having their muffler fall off due to excessive vibration is the automotive equivalent of trying to pick up a girl when you�ve forgotten to zip up your fly.


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