Some things aren't true until you say them...

05.01.2003 - 4:07 p.m.

Today is May Day, the day a group of students at my college traditionally ride their bikes around campus as naked as the day they were born, until Public Safety catches up with them. I am not familiar with Public Safety�s traditional action at that point.

Today is the sixth May Day in a row that I have entirely forgotten that it was going to happen until I am sitting somewhere�my office, some class, maybe the campus center�and hearing the great cheer echo through the walls of the building. Every year some small part of me is disappointed to have missed the speeding collection of hunched, bobbling, pasty-colored body parts, for no reason that I can think of other than �Monkey do, monkey wanna see.�

So anyway, happy May Day. Right up there with Mardi Gras on the schedule of human folly.

(Next up, Cinco de Mayo.)


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