Some things aren't true until you say them...

06.16.2003 - 1:18 p.m.

My family�s newest tradition has been in place for just over a year, since the oldest bro finished college (half a continent away) and moved on to grad school (less than a quarter of a continent away). Instead of holding separate Mothers� and Fathers� Days, we have Parents� Day, where the six of us get together at a more or less central location and us kids show the parental units a good time.

Or, what we hope is a good time.

In any case, the parents aren�t the ones who pay for it.

I miss being around my brothers. I spent most of the day yesterday trying to memorize conversations and gestures so I could explain what it is like when all of them are together, but by the time I�d returned to where I had pen and paper, I�d mixed it all up in my head.

So nevermind.

I have a lot to get done this week. Bill paying and doctor�s visits and packing (oh god the packing) and somehow making progress on this summer�s Impossible Work Task. I know it�s absolutely and completely unproductive, but any time I�ve got too much on my plate I fall into a mood of complete denial and sloth. Last night, for example, I ate popcorn and watched TV and fell asleep still wearing clothes. I just want it all to go away, magically, and I don�t want to deal with any of it, or have to figure out how to start it all, or pay for it, or fold all my laundry. I just want it all to be over and done.

And while you�re at it, Lordy, won�t you buy me a Mercedes-Benz?


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