Some things aren't true until you say them...

08.21.2003 - 11:23 a.m.

I�m two years out of college, but I�ve been writing papers again anyway. Progress reports, funding proposals, that sort of thing. Fun, yes?

And funny, because although I have entered the Real World, taken a Job and theoretically achieved Adulthood, my paper-writing process seems not to have changed much. Certainly there is method behind it. Begin with prompt. Generate list of ideas. Organize ideas. Expand ideas into sentences of varying complexity using a modicum of fifty-cent vocabulary words. Insert transitions. Title, subtitle and format. Be sure to include telling conclusion. Submit.

Right. Unfortunately, Ye Olde Process for Paper Generation also includes items and activities such as bathroom trips, pretzel sticks, diary entries, and computer solitaire.

Ah, computer solitaire, how I do love and detest thee.

Also, on a completely unrelated note, remember that summer camp I taught? Ice cream social last night. They gave me a certificate of appreciation and a round of applause, and all the kids were happy to see me again. So warm and fuzzy, you�ve no idea unless you�ve been there yourself.


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