Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.20.2003 - 1:39 p.m.

They are painting some of the offices in my wing. Eggshell, same as they were before, at least as far as I can tell. Maybe they are off-white instead, and this is important. There are chairs, bookcases, filing cabinets lining my hallway. I can hear the swish of paintbrushes, the hollow metal sound of a can being dragged across a linoleum floor, low conversation between the painters.

I can smell nothing but paint fumes.

I'd originally been thinking I'd spend today catching up on a bunch of statistics and report-writing, but it occurs to me that today may be more suited for cross-campus errands. Lots of them. And possibly a bit of hooky if I run out of things to do elsewhere.


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