Some things aren't true until you say them...

01.14.2004 - 1:41 p.m.

So I have been in blahville, at least as far as work goes, since October or so. I haven't gotten much done, I haven't had any initiative, I've just been coasting. It's also been about that long since I've written any good stories, cooked a real meal, or had any clue what I wanted to do next in my life.

On monday I showed up at work after a great deal of vacation and was productive the. entire. day. Ditto for yesterday. Ditto for the first half of today. And I'm noticing that while I'm setting up files and revising websites and writing new sections of manuals, there are Ideas in my head. There are crystals of ambition forming on the neurons. I have hope, and I'm thinking maybe that's the secret.


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