Some things aren't true until you say them...

01.20.2004 - 10:17 a.m.

Over the summer I ran part of a summer camp. Only made fifteen hours on my normal paycheck, but they cut me a nice little stipend check and sent it in the mail.

I ran it by the bank the next day, but I just missed closing time. I stuck it in the glove box for safekeeping.

Then I forgot about it.

Eight months later I was cleaning my car and there it was, a hefty chunk of expired windfall, endorsed and everything. This is about when I mentioned it to my mom, who called me a nincompoop. I called the school board who sent it. They said I should just try to deposit it. It would still work.

I brought it by the bank, pulled the wool over the teller's eyes. It worked. I was a thousand dollars richer for eight days, and I was thinking new car fund, software, a shiny new computer.

Then I lost almost nine hundred to my mechanic, for suspension problems and a new battery.

Le sigh.


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