Some things aren't true until you say them...

02.02.2004 - 3:53 p.m.

(excerpt from a phone conversation with Mom.)

her: �And how is Paul?�

me: �Good. He sold his fifth car yesterday.�

her: �Great! You�ll have to congratulate him for me!�

me: �Okay, I will.�


her: �And how are you, you know, together? With Paul?�

me: �Good. (pause) I mean, really good. Still better than anything before him.�

her: �Really? How so?�

me: �Well, uh, because I can talk to him, you know?�

her: �No, I don�t know. What do you mean?�

me: �Well, like the things I could never say to Dave, I can say to him. Like when I want to do something, or not do something, I can just tell him. Instead of putting up with whatever he�s excited about and being miserable. It�s really easy to talk to him.�

(�the way I used to know how to talk to you.)


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