Some things aren't true until you say them...

04.02.2004 - 11:54 a.m.

I have a faculty email account at my college, not because I am faculty, but because I need the extra network privileges. This means I get to skip all the annoying "All-Students" mass emails, but in return, I have a ringside seat to the debates about budgets, policies, and library size. Right now there is a lively All-Fac discussion about whether to push for more inclusive Domestic Partner benefits, as well as a discussion of child care benefits on- versus off-site.

So many of the emails end in "I'd give up my raise this summer for this" and "The decision between the extra morning latte and that is a no brainer."

I have no children or domestic partners or benefits in general.

I don't like coffee, but if I had two bucks of latte money every workday, I could go dancing every month.

If I don't get a raise this summer--and I am not guaranteed one--I'll be working job #2 to cover rent.

Not that this is politic to mention on All-Fac, because again, I am only staff, and merely contractual staff at that.

It just makes one wonder who'd give up their morning lattes for a "living wage" clause for contract workers.

Also in this week's news, there are ants exploring my bathroom and closet, I should not have let the trash bag with the leftover calamari sit in the trash closet quite so stinkin' long, and I have a big painful zit above my lip.

Actually, okay, I think I'm done griping now.

Today was a good day--lots of meetings that were kind of productive, then turned into nice catching-up kinds of conversations. And I have the apartment to myself this weekend, and I dreamed about the story I'm trying to write, which is always helpful.


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