Some things aren't true until you say them...

07.02.2004 - 1:34 p.m.

If I were to write an entry today, I would complain about the way my body supports itself so fully when part of it is sick; it is not enough for my throat to have strep and my skin to be fevered. No, my ear must join in, with poison ivy sores from last weekend, my feet must have blisters from testing day, my lips must be chapped, a scrape on my finger infected, my uterus crampy and pouting.

Can't my ear understand that my throat will recover no faster, knowing that my ear is uncomfortable, too?

But you do not want to hear about the dilapidating solidarity of my parts, how nervous it makes me that they empathize more with each other than with I who needs each of them functional, whole, for at least fifty more years. It's a gross and personal thing to have to read, which is why I should not have written this entry.


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