Some things aren't true until you say them...

08.12.2004 - 2:35 p.m.

I want to describe the new noise that comes out of the vents in my office, but I'm not sure the english language came with the appropriate words. Actually, the words probably exist--all kinds of wierdo words exist--I just don't know them. Anyway, this noise. It is an intermittent noise somewhat related to the lopsided sound of a large coin spinning on a desk, losing momentum, but higher-pitched and scrapier. It makes me play a lot of hard rock on the ibook.

Also it seems that the sweater I'm wearing smells rather strongly of cat, so I'll have to speak to the new one again about marking his territory.

Finally, I have purchased a shiny black vehicle with no hard top. Took the boyfriend out to fast food last night as an excuse to drive--what follows is an excerpt:

Him: (grabs edge of windshield) "Whoa, red light red light redlight!"

Me: (downshifts, breaks, comes to smooth, perfectly placed, very short stop) "I know."

Him: "You know, you don't have to drive fast to impress me."

Me: "I always drive like this."

Him: "No, you don't. You drive lots slower."

Me: (accelerates, shifts, accelerates) "No, I always drive like this. You've just never known me when I had access to a stick shift."

I swear, happiness is windblown hair and an empty road with no cops on it.


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