Some things aren't true until you say them...

08.27.2004 - 3:29 p.m.

I wanted to write an entry about driving to work today, seeing as how the drive was two hours longer than it usually is, so I did lots of thinking and noticing and stuff. However, I haven't had the energy yet, seeing as how I've also been awake three hours longer than I usually would be.

Anyway, I've been busy moving my office into the one next door. This will be my first ever real office, meaning it will not only be 'mine' as in where I spend all day, but also as in 'not yours'. As in I get my own door tag, with my name on it, and there's only one key. And I get to put stuff on the walls, and I might paint it.

Heh. Who am I kidding, I'm not going to paint it.

But anyway it's mine. Also I have a new computer whose login screen doesn't know me yet, and I put together a filing cabinet complete with the little steel frames you can hang folders from.

And it just occurred to me that this may be boring, but I'm not terribly bothered since I was up at 5:00 this morning. The sky is very pretty at five am, all foggy pinkness under leftover stars, beautifully disordered and kind of distracting from inside a convertible.

I'm putting myself to bed by nine.


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