Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.03.2004 - 9:48 a.m.

It is like watching an eclipse. Early on you are captivated by the tiniest dark curve biting into the glow. But it moves in such slow increments; it has barely moved after a snack break; after a bedtime drink of water, nothing has changed at all.

There is something heightened about the air. Something that makes you feel both bigger and smaller at the same time, something about knowing that millions of others, at that second, are doing exactly as you do. Waiting.

And it is fascinating, the balancing of things between here and there, last and next. But I never stay awake long enough to see the whole thing. I never stay awake long enough to learn who is President.

(This is the part of the entry where you thank me for not going into some long, painful metaphor about darkness and light.)

(No really, you're welcome.)


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