Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.03.2006 - 7:36 p.m.

The secret is to put yourself away. Become a drone who stares at the window, who closes its eyes, who shifts its feet when they hurt but does not register the feeling. Every human thing is white noise. Even the raucous laughter from the lady in front of you who must, just absolutely must, be drunk.

Comfort is to be savored, invented. Have a drink? Close your eyes as you tilt the plastic rim against our lips. Swallow slowly, eyes still closed, and stare off into space between sips. Pretend that leaning your head on your head on your elbows when you finally have room for a tray is restful.

Choose to see the city lights below as beautiful. Remember what it felt like not to have a crick in your neck, and imagine that feeling now. Nothing that irritates you is remotely avoidable. The people in the seat in front of you are not going to shut up, and the pilot's announcements will continue to be painfully loud. You will still have spent twelve hours you didn't have to spare getting from southern Maryland to Chicago and back.

Put yourself away.


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