Some things aren't true until you say them...

04.23.2007 - 10:52 a.m.

In the real world, my mortgage is due again, and I've forgotten my purse in my husband's car. My kitchen is still a mess, and I still--after five months in the new place--haven't properly figured out our finances. I have the vague sense that we're mostly afloat, but that's about it. Don't even get me started on the things that need doing at work. (Although I'll give you a hint: this diary entry wasn't one of them.)

I'm behind on my artistic projects, too--if I don't get back to knitting, the blanket won't be done for the wedding. August is coming sooner than you'd think, so the comic book should really be a bit more than vaguely thumbnailed. I did a bit of editing on the novel last week, but no new writing in ages.

In the not-so-real world, my obligations are few, and my impact larger. I have to set up a macro so we can storm the castle on Wednesday. I have to collect materials for some new gear I want, and I need to get several groups of pixellated people to approve of me so I can try their dungeons on a harder level. I'm not the most perfectly-geared person in the world, but I'm hella good at what I do. That castle we're storming is the biggest castle there is.

In the not-so-real world, my car registration is not-so-overdue. Is it any wonder I spend so much time there?

But. Unsustainable. So in the interest of storming my real-world castles with a bit more success, I'm going to get something real done every single day this week. I'm going to get more sleep. I'm going to tell you how it goes, so I can't cheat. (Well, I can always cheat. But I'll have to tell you, and maybe that will matter to me.) The goals are like so:

--Today I'm going to clean the damned kitchen and pay the bills.
--Tomorrow I'll knit some, even though I have class first, and that might mean I don't get online.
--On Wednesday I'll do laundry (and stay up late in that castle).
--Thursday I'll knit some more, and perhaps actually hang out with my husband. I enjoy my husband.
--Friday I'll figure out the longer-term finances. Really.

So much catch-up was going to happen yesterday, but instead, I spent it sleeping off my first serious headache of the year.

Which is another thing. In the not-so-real world, nothing ever hurts.


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