Some things aren't true until you say them...

02.23.2009 - 1:28 p.m.

Give me a road in the small hours of night�not these cracked, pockmarked ones between strip malls, full of too many drivers. If there are others on it, it is only one at a time, by intervals, and they are bubbled in their own dash-light solitude. Make the night so dark that all I can see is the asphalt glittering towards and beneath me, the painted lines streaming away to either side. Beyond that view there is corn, or wilderness, or abyss; they are interchangeable.

Give me a car to travel this road�not the lumbering hulk I brought to work this morning, gradually pissing away its oil while the vacuum leak moaned in harmonic with the gears, but a sporty two-seat, red this time, I think, and a hard top; neat and agile and empty but for me. Perhaps there is someone where I am going, or perhaps there is someone I�ve left, but the point is that the end is as far away as the beginning. The only place I know anything is between all the others.

Just give me a road.


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