Some things aren't true until you say them...

05.24.2002 - 12:43 p.m.

I spent a good portion of yesterday afternoon surfing diaries.

Words I wish I'd written:

If my relationships were a video game, Level 1 would be "Friends", Level 3 would be "Lovers", and Level 2 would be the one where the big octopus keeps killing me.

-p5 from girls-suck

Yes. Oh yes, that's exactly what it is...

Words I find profoundly amusing:

When you're a tequila-addled dude in a straw hat and a long skirt, and a woman slaps your ass and tells you to get the fuck out, you just follow directions, because no one's going to take your dissenting opinion seriously.


In a related story, people who quote stuff all the time as a substitute for offering their own thoughts really annoy me.

In an unrelated story, it also annoys me when I dream something really cool, but it's not there when I wake up. I mean, I realize that a good portion of reality is immutable for good reason- I wouldn't want just ANYTHING I dreamed coming to life.

I'm just saying, I think there should be occasional exceptions.

Telepathic dolphins that fly, for instance.


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