Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.08.2001 - 1:24 p.m.

Met a guy this weekend. He came down with Cichlid's fiance, and we all went dancing. He's one of their friends from high school. We originally invited him just to be the fourth wheel, sort of a date but not really. But he turned out to be pretty interesting. It was very cool. I will not say, it could go somewhere. I will also refrain from listing my insecurities at this point.

I will say that I'm glad I went out. I needed a distraction, and now, for better or for worse, I have one.

I get to eat crabs tonight. Cichlid's dad is a crabber, so they're free. I knew there was a reason I moved in with her.

I guess that's about it for now.


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