Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.05.2001 - 1:12 p.m.

Wow, two entries in less than twenty-four hours. I must really have a lot to say. Either that, or I can't procrastinate through email since everyone who normally lets me bug them is ON VACATION.

Today is Friday. It's beautiful out. It's the kind of day that always gets me thinking about all the things I would like to do, given an unlimited amount of time, energy, money, and company. I want to clean my house, finish my laundry, do some ironing. I want to go running, play ultimate frisbee, play volleyball, go rock climbing. I want to write, or paint a beautiful picture. I want to be so productive that my to-do list would be empty for the first time since I graduated high school. I want to learn html, to dance, to fly an airplane. I want to go on road trip or book a flight to Australia.

It's not going to happen. The most I'll probably manage is to clean my bathroom, and maybe make my bed. Maybe.

I get off early today, at 2:30, which gives me an hour and a half before Cichlid's parents are supposed to show. They want to feed us because it's her birthday. I'm certainly hungry (no lunch) but going out and eating too much restaurant food is actually one of the few things I don't want to do. My creative energy wants something more. Or something.

Happens to me a lot. I want a million things, but never ever what's actually in front of me.

An Exercise in proper thought:

Right now I'm in front of a computer in a small office. The temperature is amazingly perfect, not sweltering like yesterday or freezing like it was over the summer. Nobody's bugging me; no tutoring today so I'm the only one in. I don't have too much work to do, or even much time left to fill. I have a few small tasks that I can finish up before going home and getting things done and having really good food. It is not necessarily the case that I will eat too much of it. I can bring home leftovers and have them for breakfast. I have more than plenty of everything I need.

So there.


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