Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.18.2001 - 3:52 p.m.

Day 6 of Carwatch... I have stopped waiting by the phone for updates. I'd like to point out that God created the world in the same length of time my car has been in that garage. Hoping it will be done by the weekend, since Cichlid and I are going to a big yardsale and hope to emerge with lots of loot, and a Cadillac holds a lot more than her Jeep. Although I suppose if we take the top down we can pile it as high as we want...

Found out this morning that the car I'm borrowing today has an ALARM. Scared the shit outta me, and made me fifteen minutes late to work. Took that long to figure out how to turn the damn thing off. It kept stopping, and then just as I thought it was done, or that my random keychain-button pushing had accomplished something, it would go off again. I feel sorry for all my neighbors.

Actually went home for lunch. We need to go shopping soon.

That's about it. I'm afraid that the number of entries I write correlates more strongly with my procrastinative impulse than with my state of inspiration.


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