Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.31.2001 - 3:28 p.m.

So on the top of last night's list of disturbing dreams is the one where... oh, nevermind. You don't want to know.

Anyway, then I wake up, and it's three minutes before my alarm will go off, so I set it for twenty minutes later and stay in bed. I do this twice, and dream even more abnormally.

My subconscious must realize it's Halloween.

On a less freaky note, I would like the world to know that I accomplished something previously thought to be impossible: I packed myself a lunch today. It consisted of a toasted bagel and a banana. Yes, yes, I know you're all terribly impressed that I dragged my sorry ass out of bed, into COLD AIR, and saw to it that I would not have to buy a bag of Milanos or Fritos so that my stomach noise wouldn't scare off any potential customers. My guestbook will be taking record of your congratulatory messages.

I'm supposed to go to this wedding with two of my friends this weekend. I'll know absolutely no one, including the best man, whose date I'm supposed to be. I said I'd go because I figured it couldn't hurt anything, because it was something to do, becaue you never know when you'll meet someone worth knowing. I forgot to take into account that I'm only a friendly extrovert in my head. To the rest of the world, I'm a snobby introvert. I think. Which means that the odds of enjoying myself aren't really that good, and maybe I should have opted to stay home and rot in front of the TV. Bad thinking, I know, but I can't always head it off.

It's been three days since I've seen the mouse in my apartment. Hopefully that means it moved out, because if it didn't move out, it must have died.

That's about it.


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