Some things aren't true until you say them...

05.15.2002 - 1:30 p.m.

Today I had a phenomenally successful meeting during which I convinced a person of influence to reorganize everything they do in a way that (coincidentally) will make them need me for the rest of the year.

This is why beaurocracy exists, you know. Because productivity can be reflexive. In addition to materials, products, and services, people can create their own jobs.

I worked at home yesterday. It's not something I think I should do too often, as it was almost entirely unproductive. Although I got my car insurance mostly hammered out, which was why I'd wanted to be at home. And I did some laundry, which was also good, because then I had something to wear to work today.

And I made myself a budget. See, I had a talk with J the other night about several things including keeping track of expenses, and found out that he was doing it. If he can, I certainly should be. No excuse. So I made me a budget. (eew.) Found out that I should theoretically be saving a couple hundred a month.

Hmm...haven't exactly been doing that. It occurs to me that this is because I keep going on road trips.

Speaking of which, also added J to my ongoing poll ('should stonebridge go to Florida with her two good friends and her ex') and got another yes. Actually, I probably shouldn't have bothered, cause I'd already thought it out to the point where there wasn't too much for him to add (although he did have the wonderful idea that this trip should be my excuse to buy a really good discman, for the car ride and any other time the ex wants to talk.)

I just need to talk things out, hear them said in my own voice and from others, before I can tell if I'm really on the right track. Or something. I'm weird like that.

So I'm going, June 8-13, and now the only thing left to decide is whether I go and do my level best to hook up with my other friend (or any other convenient male), or go and just stay as far away from the ex as possible. I'm leaning toward the second, as long as he behaves himself. And as long as I don't meet anyone too irresistible : )


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