Some things aren't true until you say them...

06.24.2002 - 2:19 p.m.

This weekend I spent a lot of time burning, scuffing, and accidentally puncturing the soles of my feet while keeping an eye open for clover patches with bees in them. But this is important to do as often as possible so that by August, I can go ahead and cross the street without using those funny-looking quick hops. Then it will be fall, I�ll put shoes back on for eight or nine months and lose all the protective calluses.

Sometimes life is sort of like that.

My friends and I were eating dinner the other night when one of them yipped and brushed something off of her shoulder. I calmly pointed out that while it was no longer on her shoulder, it had fallen down and was about to crawl down her shirt. She leaped up, flapping her arms all over herself and screaming, �Get it off! Get it off get it off getitoff,� while I and my other friend quietly informed her that it had already fallen off, and look, we had caught it, so it was safe to sit down again. These things are so funny when they aren�t happening to you.

Sometimes life is also sort of like that.

On an unrelated note, someone asked if the wicked witch of the west would melt if she started to perspire.

That's why she's green, you know. From the corrosion.


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