Some things aren't true until you say them...

07.01.2002 - 2:41 p.m.

It is the greatest feeling to walk out of a cold office into a summer afternoon. You can feel all of your limbs wake up, all at once, and it seems as if you were really free to go jump in the neighbor�s backyard pool. It�s not actually the case, of course, but it seems that way, and sometimes that is enough.

I have been trying to write for two and a half days straight. Have reached the stage where all I want to do is look back on old diary entries, finished stories, old notebooks and journals. Great stuff, I think to myself. It does not help, because I am not thinking of ways to change it, but looking back is easier than trying to come up with the inspiration that should have been here 48 hours ago.

I think part of it is that I have been sleeping too much. I am much better at writing late at night, for some reason, but in order to be up and functional at night, I need to have had a certain amount of sleep and a certain amount of food, which I just haven�t been giving myself. Also, Jimmy was down for the weekend, and I absolutely can�t be productive when people keep talking at me.

So. I will write. I will write, if I have to stay up until sunrise and drink a case of Mountain Dew to do it.


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