Some things aren't true until you say them...

07.08.2002 - 10:55 a.m.

So it's been a while... that whole holiday thing.

Highlights of a long weekend:

July 3:

Reading your fiction to friends is at least as scary as reading to strangers, because you care more about what they think. It is more rewarding for the same reason.

July 4:

Halfway home to my parent's crabfest, I realized I hadn't remembered to put the registration sticker on my car the week before. This means I'd been driving illegally all week. One would think that one more day couldn't possibly matter, but I know how these things work. You can do bad things and get away with them forever, as long as you don't realize what you are doing. The minute you notice, it becomes tempting fate. So I went back to get it. Good thing I like driving.

When you want to do something, but are weirdly nervous over it, asking someone to tell you to do it is somehow not the same as getting them to convince you.

July 5:

A bar in Fells Point, Baltimore has a sticker on the wall, just under a picture of a woman, not a model, with sad eyes: "Beware, for I have the power to destroy you." This is somehow still fascinating to me, sober, three days later.

Bartenders who know what they are doing are sexy, for no obvious reason that I can point out.

On the way home from Baltimore, Jimmy badgered me into yelling out the car window. Yes, he had to badger me even though I was drunk. "I am tired of thinking!" is what I finally told the other four cars on the highway. Then he asked me how I felt and I said, free.

On some level, it disturbs me that I like the person I am better when she is drunk. On another level, this just tells me that I need to practice acting like I have less self-control.

July 6:

The movie Forces of Nature is a lot like a story I wrote once, only they did a much better job.

July 7:

Crabs are good to eat, even microwaved.

Scary movies are lots more interesting the second time you see them.

It is a bad idea to watch a scary movie, even one you have seen before, on a night you know your roommate won't be coming home.

When you have to go to bed, a little light helps a lot, except that I still can't sleep with a nightlight on.

Finally, ants are really, really annoying and don't seem to be terribly interested in eating ant bait when they have the run of my entire kitchen.


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