Some things aren't true until you say them...

08.01.2002 - 11:48 p.m.

I let some guys fleece me for magazine subscriptions.

I didn�t know who they were when I answered the door. I figured they were neighbors or something. They were decent-looking kids, and they had all their lists and sign-up books out of sight, in their back pockets. Treachery, I tell you. Absolute treachery.

I�m not sure why I let them go ahead and give their schpiel. (spelling of �schpiel� invented entirely from scratch) I think maybe it was because earlier in the evening, I had already fended off a long-distance offer, a credit card, and a Blockbuster employee who wanted to blame me for the fact that my roommate returned A Beautiful Mind with only one disc, not two.

Maybe it was because I had been trying to write, and the knock on the door sounded like sweet procrastination.

Come to think of it, that�s exactly what it was.

So now I have a subscription to a magazine I will never read. Maybe Kelly will want it.

It turns out, by the way, that I didn�t lose that story idea I thought up while being Productive. Well, I wrote the middle half, anyway. I know what happens to the characters, I just have to figure out why. Well, and how they got there to begin with.

Lesson of the day: Never, EVER admit singleness to young men who are selling magazines. Better yet, never answer the door at all.


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