Some things aren't true until you say them...

09.16.2002 - 3:35 p.m.

I am walking across campus on my way to a stupid meeting. Twenty paces out from my building�s door, my printout of Important Things is already completely limp. It is that kind of humid today. Everything is darker, slower, and muzzy around the edges. The rain from last night is still soaking the ground.

Just outside the side entrance to the other building, I pass under a tree. You can give the ends of branches little yanks and it will rain again, just here where you are standing. I like rain, I really do, for no particular reason I can think of. Maybe its that I handle meetings so much better when I�m just a little mussed by something from Outside. I think it helps my sense of balance.

Unfortunately in this case, the branches rained rather a lot.

Rain is wet.


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