Some things aren't true until you say them...

09.17.2002 - 10:58 a.m.

Went on a major laundry spree last night. Six straight hours of it. Every stitch I own, plus towels. I now have clean underwear, and shirts temporarily free of cat hair, and my favorite pair of shorts is clean for the first time since the end of July.

Having cleaned everything feels good. However, I have spent all day smelling of fresh-english-spring-breeze whozits. Actually, I�ve no idea what the smell is called; I never read the laundry detergent bottle. It�s a Tide scent whose essence is apparently electric orange.

I know of no scents, appealing or otherwise, that I would describe as electric orange.

It�s not my fault. I inherited most of Kelly�s pantry and cleaning items when she moved back home, and I�m not going to buy a new bottle of detergent when I have a perfectly good one sitting on the shelf over the dryer. I just really, really wish I could smell something other than essence of electric orange.

I can�t wait until my next major laundry crusade. Then I can finish it up, and I will be free to replace it with something that doesn�t make me feel like I�ve deodorized using the chemicals from under the sink.


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