Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.02.2002 - 10:18 a.m.

Mornings feel crappy. I have made a scientific study of this fact, so you know it must be true. You know that saying about how a the movement of a butterfly can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world? It's a related phenomena, something to do with the way the air curls when you get out of bed. It unleashes the crappiness (a technical term, by the way).

Today, I was pretty sure today was going to be worse than normal. All the signs were there--long night, weird dreams, periodic disturbance due to cat chasing small flying insect. But it turned out okay after all.

It is extremely uplifting to walk into an early-morning class and tell them their professor (my boss) isn't coming. They cheer you like a rock star.

And since he's not coming, I can go home early instead of meeting with him all afternoon.

There's no one for me to cheer, but it's definitely taken care of the crap.


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