Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.13.2002 - 2:54 p.m.

Today is the first day I woke up, stretched, and did not feel the muscles I used in the club Saturday night. Yes, exercise has become that foreign to me. The problem is that I only really like group exercise, like dancing or team sports, but I have no group to do these things with. I really, really miss ultimate frisbee. I wish they didn't hold practice during my work hours.

On the other side though, this week is the year anniversary of my diet. Or actually, not really a diet, more of a Resolution to Be Healthier. And actually I'm not entirely sure whether the anniversary is this week or next week...but anyhow, none of that is the point. The point is that I am six pounds lighter than I was then, even after Halloween and going to a conference last week and eating my way through almost every cent of my per diem funds.

God that steak was good.

Here's to continued resolution over the holidays.


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