Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.15.2002 - 9:45 a.m.

Today I decided to institute casual Friday, not because we do casual Friday here, but because I really, really wanted to stay in bed with the cat. I finally had to resort to telling myself, "Okay, if you get up, you can wear jeans."

They're black jeans, so they're not that obvious. I don't think.

It occurred to me on the drive over that I hold what is known as a "dead end job." No benefits, not really enough of a salary to up my living standards (heaven help me if I had loans), little to no opportunity for promotion. It kind of surprised me that I didn't mind. I mean, there are actually lots of opportunities at this job. I get to learn stuff and make contacts and everything, and the whole experience makes a great segue into a grad school fellowship...and the funny thing is that I don't really care about all that, either. Well, except the learning. I would die of boredom without that much.

Most basically, I think I like this job because it saves me from having to think about all that stuff. I can just stay where I am, for as long as I want. I've had to leave every other place I've ever been just when I was starting to get comfortable.


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