Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.15.2002 - 5:12 p.m.

I am listening to new music today, trancey, floaty stuff (Take that description with a grain of salt, I never did master the art of classifying music the way everyone else does) and it is making me want to write.

Really what I ought to be doing right now is packing up for home, but there is no internet at home. There is a wedding invitation I promised to design for Kelly and Jimmy, but no internet. And no time to write.

This is so sad. I am sitting at work, late, in order to put off my weekend.

Tomorrow should be neat though, helping Kelly shop for bridesmaids' dresses that don't suck, and she's taking me out to lunch, too. My goal for the weekend is to Not Spend a Single Penny--I'm still in the hole from all that car stuff last month.

I keep looking online for cars. The problem is that it tends to go sort of like this:

Little Cars: 2704 available

Little Cars with good gas mileage: 2382 available

Little cars with good mileage and less than 20,000 miles on them: 439 available

Little cars with good mileage, driven less than 20K, within my price range: no matching results

Righto, enough rambling, time to go home.


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