Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.22.2002 - 3:20 p.m.

Driving home yesterday, I noticed that the house on the corner has started decorating for Christmas. By the time they�re finished, they will have more lightbulbs per inch in their yard than Times Square. Perhaps not quite as many as Las Vegas, but only just. Sometimes I wonder what possesses a house to go that far overboard�I counted last year, they have eighteen separate plastic glowing santas in that yard. I mean, where do they store all that stuff for the other three seasons? And their electric bill must be gi-normous, and I wonder if they�ve ever even seen the winter constellations.

Today has been busy, but the good kind of busy. I haven�t felt this useful in a long time, just zip zip zip from one person to the next dispensing knowledge and enthusiasm as I go. Heh. Or something similar to the above, but not quite as silly-sounding. It�s Friday. I like Fridays.

Notes for Next Time: No more white bras under the new sweater. It sheds like nobody�s business.


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