Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.26.2002 - 11:31 a.m.

I spent most of my junior year in high school with a sinus infection. I think it was because I wasn�t really sleeping�I was pretty much living on four hours� sleep, Sudafed in the morning, school, two jobs, and Tavist D at night. Except when there was a show on, in which case it was two and a half hours, Sudafed in the morning, school, two jobs, caffeine in the lighting booth, and Tavist D at night. (We had a positively historic collection of soda cans up there in the catwalks. One Coke, one non-Coke soda from each show. Dated back to those thick, straight-edged Coke cans from the seventies, when the school was built.) (Too, it is mildly surprising that I never gave myself a heart attack.)

I had forgotten how a sinus headache can make your face twitch from the pressure. It�s distracting, to say the least.

Today I am theoretically going home, to stay with my parents until Friday or so. I�m not really sure exactly what I�ll do after that. There are any number of things I should get off my butt and organize here or there, especially for the weekend, but again, my sinuses are twitching. I may just spend the next three days in a near-scalding bathtub.

Also have to get my cat taken care of�forgot to ask the roommate last night whether she�d be in town to feed her, so now it looks like I won�t be going home straight from work; I�ll be staying until eight or so, when she gets home. If she comes home tonight at all. Oh and bills, we have to take care of bills before going our separate ways. Mom keeps telling me to bring the cat home with me, but then I have to worry about her while I�m out on the friend circuit. Again, this is assuming I�ll be functional at all.

I�ll drag myself around somehow, though. Thanksgiving is one of the few times when everyone is home, and everyone is actually looking for each other.

Both eye sockets now twitching in counterpoint harmony with the left temple. Am reminded of the rhythm warm-ups for my piano lessons, my teacher telling me to tap thirds with one hand and fifths with the other, and so on and so forth. Actually my head is more like a line of car blinkers, seemingly in time with each other and the radio, but slowly falling out of sync. Funny, because one would think that my pulse would regulate all sinus-related pounding.

Maybe to the campus store for a hot chocolate�


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