Some things aren't true until you say them...

04.22.2003 - 12:49 p.m.

Yesterday there was no internet or network or email, all afternoon. I had three tutorials scheduled for that time, tutorials that needed internet (or at the very least a functional network) but I had no way to contact the students, as we'd made arrangements by email. So there was nothing to do but wait for each to show up, and reschedule.

Yesterday was not a good day.

Today I tried to turn on my laptop and nothing happened. So I took it to the guy who knows stuff, who did a number of things involving holding down combinations of keys, removing and replacing batteries, and connecting it to other monitors and iBooks, all in vain, all in vain. Off to Applecare it goes for the rest of the week, to return functional but perhaps without any of my files. I have been good about backing up my work, although a bit questionable in its organization, so my job has not really been interrupted. The only files I could possibly lose would be my iCal, my MP3s, my monthly budgets, and oh, maybe a years' worth of creative writing. No biggie, right? I mean it's not like any of those things were important.

And you know, I just noticed. There are situations in which sarcasm only makes you feel worse. How disappointing.

If you are a person to whom I have sent files for editing, I may be asking you to send them back.

Today is not a good day either.


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